Let’s make their
forever better

What your stable, caring home can do

Foster Plus agencies help kids, teens and young adults who need extra support by connecting them with care that’s a step up from traditional foster care.

When you foster through your local Foster Plus agency, you’ll be a bridge for a kid in need, providing care and support at a critical moment in their life journey and guiding them toward a healthier future. You can also become a relief parent, supporting foster kids and families by providing care just a day or two at a time.

This form of foster care is not intended to lead to adoption or a long-term commitment but instead to the young person’s next step, whether it’s a return to their biological family, placement in a traditional foster care home or adoption out of foster care. Typically, kids stay with families for six months to two years.

The need in Oregon is great — and you’ll have the support you need to make this commitment.

About the kids

Most of the kids Foster Plus agencies serve have experienced trauma and disruption in their lives, which is why foster families receive extra training in providing specialized care.

The kids, teens and young adults:

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Our Initiative

Foster Plus is an effort of nonprofit social service agencies collaborating to connect kids in need with the support and stability of committed, caring foster families.

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